Artwork Featured in "Gateways of Illumination" by SolPurpose

This beautiful visionary journey through sacred art is narrated by Ehren Taytakura and was created by for Selflessly created to help each one of us recognize the beauty and blessing of being together here and now - may these inspiring words and sacred visions illuminate your heart and remind you of the infinite beauty we all share and embody within. It certainly is a great honor to have my artwork featured in this video alongside other great visionary artists! A huge thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who assisted in the creation of this very special presentation. Please enjoy and feel free to read the empowering excerpts from the video below by Ehren Taytakura. One Love. ~ Jalai Lama Empowering Excerpts from the video: "May we always feel the freedom to walk our own trail, blaze our own path as heroes of higher truth and purpose. And may our visions hold seeds of inspired love within their essence. Along our journey when we honor our brothers and sisters in their process of healing exactly where they are of judgement and full of compassion. May we bravely open wide the full panoramic landscape of our imagination.. allowing us to embrace the magic of the universe in all of its profound light..pushing us higher, deeper, farther than ever dreamed before. We, you, I, all of us, we have the power to lead others onward along their path of understanding. Not through force..not through persuasion..but through simply offering what makes us laugh cry and love with gratitude and grace. May we all find our creative spark.. and courageously share our art, our story.. our dreams with the world." "Our thoughts matter..our actions matter..our beliefs matter. Every single moment.. what we introduce into this world is a prayer.. is a blessing.. every sacred step ripples through creation..ripples through the universe as an ode to this life experience. We are here.. we are whole..this is our time to make a difference. And there is no greater gift you can offer humanity than sharing your sacred art..that which makes you fall in love with life each and every day. May we walk in beauty visionary family. May we find beauty in front of us.. beauty behind us.. beauty beside us.. beauty above us below within us..for the time to change is NOW.. and beautiful. Mitakuye Osayin. Aho." ~ Ehren Taytakura Please visit for more inspired writings! Featured visionary artists include: Andrew Jones, Erial Ali, LuminoKaya, Carey Thompson, Joseph Skala, Michael Garfield, Robert Randolph, Justin Totemical, Autumn Skye Morrison, Andrew Gonzalez, Amanda Sage, Ira Ratry, Davin Infinity, Jalai Lama, Mugwort Artemisia, Krystle Smith, Charles Frizzell, Adam Scott Miller, Kuba, Josephine Wall, Anderson Debenardi, George Atherton, Cameron Gray, Brandon Crone, Alex Grey, Mark Henson, Mark Lee and Michael Divine. Music by: Random Rab, Rameses B, Kuba, Emancipator, Snakestyle, Vibrasphere Mixed by YES TRiBE

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